
麦科马克捐赠访问艺术家-学者驻留 was created to continue the 特别项目办公室' rich artistic summer programming during the academic year. Designed to provide total immersion for both the artist and the Skidmore community, residencies feature class visits, opportunities for faculty/student interaction, performances, 阅读和展览. 



德芙是普利策奖得主,也是前美国总统.S. 桂冠诗人,丹尼尔普尔, a Grammy Award-winning composer, have collaborated to create a Skidmore-commissioned 歌曲循环,“未愈合的伤口”.”

丽塔·达夫2021             理查德Danielpour


星期四,9月. 28, 2023 
5:30 – 6:45 p.m.

诗人丽塔·达夫和作曲家理查德·丹尼尔普尔讨论了创作和9月. 29日首映 他们的最新合作专辑《未愈合的伤口.“本次活动将由 Skidmore faculty members April Bernard and Teisha Duncan, with an introduction by 马克·康纳总统. 


星期五,9月. 29, 2023  
7:30 p.m.

这首歌曲将成为特色 大都会歌剧院的明星埃里克·欧文斯和阿曼达·林恩·波顿斯担任独舞演员. 年轻的 钢琴家Kim,大提琴家Jameson Platte,博士. 弗洛伊德·里基茨,指挥,还有合唱团 教职员工,艺术家,学生和嘉宾.


普利策奖得主,前美国总统.S. 桂冠诗人丽塔·达夫是一本小说的作者, a book of short stories, essays, numerous volumes of poetry, including the National Book Award finalist and NAACP Image Award winner “Collected Poems 1974-2004” and her 最新发行的《火博体育》(Playlist for the Apocalypse) (W.W. 诺顿,2021). 她还编辑 “The Best American Poetry 2000” and “The Penguin Anthology of 20th-Century American Poetry” (2011) and wrote weekly poetry columns for The Washington Post from 2000 to 2003年至2019年担任《火博体育官网》杂志主编.   

Dove received the Pulitzer Prize for her third collection of poetry, “Thomas and Beulah,” 1987年,他担任美国总统.S. 国会图书馆桂冠诗人,1993年至 1995.    

Her drama “The Darker Face of the Earth” opened at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in 1996 and the Kennedy Center in Washington in 1997, followed by its European premiere 1999年在伦敦皇家国家剧院演出. 她的歌曲《火博体育》 with music by John Williams, was premiered by Cynthia Haymon with the Boston Symphony at Tanglewood in 1998, her song cycle “A Standing Witness,” 14 poems with music by 理查德Danielpour, was originally sung by Susan Graham at the Kennedy Center and 2021年和2022年的其他场馆.   

Dove’s numerous honors include, most recently, lifetime 成就 medals from the Library of Virginia and the Fulbright Association, the 2019 Wallace Stevens Award from the Academy of American 诗人, the 2021 Gold Medal for Poetry from the American Academy of Arts and Letters — as the 16th (and third female and first African American) poet in the Medal’s 110-year history — and the 2022 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize for lifetime 成就. 她获得了比尔·克林顿总统颁发的国家人文奖章 in 1996 and the National Medal of Arts from President Barack Obama in 2011, making 她是唯一一位同时获得两枚奖章的诗人. 到目前为止,多芬已经收到了29份 honorary doctorates, among them 火博体育大学 (in 2004) and Duke University, Emory University, Yale University, Smith College, Harvard University, the University of 密歇根大学和爱荷华大学. 

She has served as president of the Association of Writers and 写作 Programs (AWP), as a chancellor of Phi Beta Kappa, as a chancellor of the Academy of American 诗人. 美国哲学学会会员,美国艺术学院会员 and Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Letters, she teaches at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where she is the Henry Hoyns Professor of Creative 写作.


Grammy Award-winning composer 理查德Danielpour is celebrated for his ability to communicate deep, important emotions through simple, direct means and a distinctive 美国音乐之声. 他的作品吸引了一批杰出的冠军, and he has had a significant impact on a younger generation of composers as a devoted 导师和教育家.

丹尼尔普尔的第一部歌剧, 玛格丽特•加纳, written with Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison, took critics and audiences by storm with sold-out houses in its 2005 premiere by the co-commissioning opera companies of Detroit, 辛辛那提和费城. 2007年麦科马克捐赠访问艺术家学者 火博体育学院的住院医师Danielpour和 玛格丽特•加纳 卡斯特参加了课堂和特殊的校园和社区活动.

他获得了美国艺术学院这样的声望很高的荣誉 & 字母的 Lifetime Achievement Award and Charles Ives Fellowship; the Guggenheim Fellowship; The Berlin Prize from the American Academy in Berlin; two Rockefeller Foundation grants; the Bearns Prize from Columbia University, fellowships and residencies from The Bogliasco Foundation, MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Copland House, the American Academy 在罗马.

Danielpour’s work has been performed throughout the world, he has written for the New York Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony, Chamber 音乐 Society of Lincoln Center, Santa Fe Chamber 音乐 Festival, American Composers Orchestra, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Pacific, National, Atlanta and Baltimore symphonies, 在许多其他方面. 丹尼尔普尔还为纽约交响乐团创作了两首重要曲目 城市和西北太平洋芭蕾舞团. 他成为史特拉文斯基之后的第三位作曲家 and Copland – to be signed to an exclusive recording contract by Sony Classical, 他是他那一代最著名的作曲家之一.

Danielpour is also an active educator who believes deeply in the nurturing of young 音乐家. 他曾任职于曼哈顿音乐学院作曲系 1993 to 2017 and has been on the composition faculty of The Curtis Institute of 音乐 自1997年以来. 2017年,他接受了加州大学洛杉矶分校赫伯分校作曲专业的终身职位 他现在在阿尔珀特音乐学院任教. 丹尼尔普尔曾担任作曲家 residence with the Seattle Symphony (1991-92), the Pacific Symphony (1998-2001), 匹兹堡交响乐团(2009-10).

In 2019, Danielpour composed five works, the most significant of them being “A Standing Witness,” a series of 15 songs which are settings of poems written by celebrated poet 丽塔的鸽子. 由女中音苏珊·格雷厄姆和科普兰之家的音乐创作而成 74-minute monodrama which witnesses the last 50 years of our American history was premiered at the University of Chicago and later received performances at the Kennedy 中心和坦格伍德.

Danielpour is currently a Distinguished Professor of 音乐 at The UCLA Herb Alpert 音乐学院. 他也是苏珊B. 米切尔·D. Covel椅子 在音乐中. 他目前正在完成他的第二部歌剧, 塔尔塔鲁斯大酒店,将于2024年5月在洛杉矶弗洛伊德剧院首演.

实习由火博体育提供 特别项目办公室总统办公室, 亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心, 种族正义倡议, 黑人研究项目的部门 音乐, 英语, 剧院.