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Skidmore College

A recipe for the battle against garlic 芥末

by Stella Piasecki ’23

My name is Stella Piasecki ’23. 我是一个 environmental studies major 来自马萨诸塞州的大巴林顿,我把我生命中的十年奉献给了 与一种破坏性的、令人痛苦的、彻头彻尾可悲的实体——大蒜作斗争 芥末. 
我喜欢把自己想象成大蒜芥末战士,今年夏天我将继续这样做 my campaign here at Skidmore. How does one get drafted for this duty? It starts with a deep love for the outdoors. 
我在伯克郡长大,一直对森林有着深深的热爱. When I was 在选择一所大学时,我知道它必须有一片森林可供我选择 my exploration.
When I arrived at Skidmore following a pre-orientation trip, 我做的第一件事就是查找校园地图,然后朝那个方向走去 的 North Woods.

在那第一天,走在红色的小路上,我对这些美丽的东西有了一点体会 155 acres of preserved land have to offer. I knew I was in love, and the North Woods made me feel right at home. 
自从我第一次在火博体育散步后,我经常回到树林里去 some respite and exercise and to explore and learn. But each time I visited, I noticed that invasive species like garlic 芥末 had taken root. I knew I had to find a way 我找到了一个绝佳的机会——成为北伍兹的管家. 

Hiking in skidmore's north woods
北森林的管理员是为火博体育餐厅工作的学生雇员 Sustainability Office 在整个夏天和整个学年帮助保存,保护和提高 awareness around this treasured campus resource. The woods are connected to campus 有五条徒步小径,带领游客穿越大自然,远离喧嚣 and bustle of everyday life. In addition to offering recreational opportunities, the Woods也被教授在课堂和其他项目中使用,包括 summer collaborative research with students.
管理员做所有的事情,从进行小径维护到改善寻路 signage and kiosks. 整个工作是很有回报的,但我觉得最快乐的时候 我知道我是在为子孙后代保护森林通过拉扯和处理 of invasive species.

在短短三周的工作中,我已经拔掉了数万株蒜芥菜. 北林的管理工作给了我机会,把大部分的 我的夏天去做我喜欢的事情:保护原始森林的自然美.

Why start a war with garlic 芥末?

在我的一生中,我一直致力于减少大蒜芥末的数量, both in Massachusetts and here at Skidmore. One single plant can produce hundreds 这些微小的种子可以在土壤中潜伏多年,形成难以对抗的斑块 它们取代了野花和树苗等本地植物.

大蒜芥末特别麻烦,因为它生长在厚厚的露头 choke out anything else nearby. The roots of garlic 芥末 also produce a toxin that kills soil fungi that many plants depend on.

Basically, garlic 芥末 is the worst in all possible ways. 
如果放任不管,像蒜芥末这样的入侵物种会减少生物多样性 通过与本地物种竞争和减少本地植物资源来实现生态系统的平衡 和动物.
要想有效地拉出芥菜,你需要拉出整个植株,包括它的根部 root system. 处理芥末蒜真的很重要,因为 如果你在把植物拔下来之后就把它们留在那里,它们可以很容易地在空气中重新生长 area where they are left. We bag up the plants in trash bags, seal the bags and then throw them out as, well, trash. 

Garlic Mustard

原产于欧洲和亚洲的蒜芥菜已经成为一种非常麻烦的入侵物种 工厂遍布美国东北部、中西部和西北部.

当我决心摧毁大蒜芥末拯救北森林时,我也 struggle to see enormous piles of wasted plant material. I'm excited to share that 这样一种黑暗而狡猾的植物也有一线希望:它的叶子完全枯萎了 可食用的. 
我从十岁起每年夏天都会做蒜芥末香蒜酱 it has become one of my favorite summer traditions.

现在,我很荣幸用这个招募你加入对抗大蒜芥末的运动 配方: 

Garlic Mustard Pesto Recipe


  • 2-5 cups young garlic 芥末 leaves 
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 small bunch of basil
  • 1茶匙Tofutti奶油奶酪(或者你选择的帕尔马干酪或普通奶油) 奶酪)
  • 2-3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup bean sprouts
  • 3 pinches pepper
  • Salt to taste


  • Food processor
  • Rubber spatula
  • Salad spinner


  1. 从蒜头芥菜茎上去掉看起来健康的叶子,直到你有2-5杯 of healthy leaves.
  2. Place the leaves in a salad spinner and rinse thoroughly. Let drain for two minutes and then rinse again. 重复这个过程两次以上,共冲洗四次 然后用沙拉搅拌器旋转几分钟,让叶子完全干透.
  3. Once the leaves are dry, place them in the food processor.
  4. 加入橄榄油,胡椒粉,大蒜和罗勒,然后将食品加工机开高火30-50度 seconds or until it is pretty finely ground.
  5. Add cream cheese and a few pinches of salt.
  6. 重新打开食品加工机,直到奶油奶酪完全混合.
  7. Salt to taste.
  8. 用橡皮刮刀搅拌香蒜沙司确保一切都磨得很细 混合,然后用刮刀将香蒜酱转移到你选择的容器中.
  9. Sprinkle bean sprouts on top.
  10. 享受!

火博体育 the Author

Stella Piasecki

Stella Piasecki, from Great Barrington, Massachusetts, 是一名环境研究专业的学生,经常在凯斯格林的吊床上上吊,或者在校园附近的许多小径和公园里探险. She's also 真的很喜欢乌龟,所以如果你在校园里碰巧看到乌龟,告诉她!